Anyone else using Scrum at home? 🙂
It started as an afterthought. “Why don’t we use Scrum?”
My wife, Jill, and I had been talking about the challenges that we had been having with homeschooling our two old kids, Katie and Ally. Assignments had been late, misunderstood, and sections missed. I was surprised when Jill was ready to try it – immediately!
So, before the next week, I sat down with Katie and Ally and asked them what were the next assignments they had for each subject. We were creating the Product Backlog. Some items they knew, some they didn’t and had to either look them up or ask the Product Owner…err…Mom about. This immediately helped clarity of what they were supposed to be working on, and in what order…
[This post was based on our monthly e-newsletter. [Click here to sign up.]
A lot of work, yes. But a lot of wins as well. We’ve also used it for chores, gardening projects, and my own personal and professional work.
How do you create wins using Scrum in your household?