
Product Owner Training in San Diego

This two day Certified Product Owner training in San Diego provides everything you need to get started with Scrum. Scrum is the largest and fastest-growing Agile approach, and a simple framework of interrelated practices and rules, is not overly prescriptive and enables more effective teams almost immediately. Our courses are taught interactively. Students will learn hands-on via teams, simulations, discussions, numerous exercises and fun. 

Scrum master training San Diego agile coaching

Product owner training in San Diego covers the Agile Manifesto, Scrum Values, Scrum Framework, Product Backlog, User Stories, Story Point Estimation (Planning Poker), Scrum Meetings and Scrum Roles. Other additional topics often include Scaling Agile, Distributed Teams, Agile Adoption and Transformation, “Agile Project Management,” getting leadership and management support, and more.

There are many techniques and practices that can help a Product Owner perform their role effectively and successfully. This is one of the few CSPO workshops that will explore many of these techniques and practices through hands on simulations while keeping Agile’s values and principles in the spotlight!

Building a quality product, with the right features, on the right platform with an engaging user experience is the difference between building a product that delights customers and satisfies needs or building something that has all the bells and whistles, yet fails in the marketplace.

As one of the largest and fastest-growing agile frameworks, Scrum is a simple, yet powerful way to manage product requirements, elevate quality, and accelerate project delivery. One of the key roles in Scrum is that of ScrumMaster, the person tasked with helping the Scrum Team and organization find success through teamwork, focus, collaboration and continuous improvement.

Looking for Scrum Master Training in San Diego? Click here!  About Rocket Nine Solutions

Rocket Nine Solutions has been sponsoring the Agile Open San Diego un-conference for years. We’ve done tons of private training in the area. Now we host public Product Owner Training in San Diego as well. Read more about our mission to help companies and individuals find and take their next step with agile training and coaching in Southern California.