
We place a high value on customer experience for our training courses. With Rocket Nine Solutions online training courses you can expect the following:

Choose the course below that best suits your calendar:

Scrum Master

online certified scrum product ownerProduct Owner


seal a-csm advanced scrum master training

Advanced Scrum Master

Advanced Product Owner



certified scrum professional scrum master training agile scrum certification, Advanced Scrum Master Training professional pathwayCertified Scrum Professional Scrum Master



Agile Leadership


LeSS Large Scale ScrumLarge Scale Scrum


team kanban

Team Kanban Practitioner


Certified Scrum Developer


Certified Scrum Professional Scrum Master


Certified Scrum Professional Product Owner


Breaking News

As of March 12, 2020, the Scrum Alliance is temporarily allowing online Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) and Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) training. These courses will cover:

  • Core Scrum
  • Role-specific content based on the learning objectives of the course
  • Two year Scrum Alliance membership
  • Registration for the CSM exam (no exam needed for CSPO)


Online classes are live and in real-time.Training is fun and engaging leveraging creative online learning opportunities. These include break-out rooms for “table” exercises, recorded and live videos, downloaded materials and much more. Results: 99% of my students pass the exam, and class feedback has been more than 9.5.

Experience – One of only a few Certified Enterprise Coaches worldwide. 10+ years in agile. Three years as a full time ScrumMaster, and experience coaching at Forrester-leading agile coaching organizations coaching leaders, management, teams, and problem situations. Uniquely qualified in the greater Nashville area.

Availability and support. As the only dedicated Certified Scrum Trainer in your region, I’m available for in-person follow-up with you, your leadership, and teams. Our broader Rocket Nine team of Certified Scrum Professionals also provides support for Kanban, Product Management, Scrum for Marketing, traditional project management, and scaling with SAFe, LeSS and Scrum at Scale and more.


“Great course to take me from very basic Scrum knowledge to confidence that I can implement on my own.”

This course is 15 Category 3 PDU’s and 16 Scrum Education Units towards the Certified Scrum Professional credential.


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