This video is from Scott Dunn, Agile Coach Trainer of Rocket Nine Solutions which delivers Agility in the Southern California area talking to you about your training certification options along the Certified Scrum Professional pathway (CSP).
So just a couple of notes from my experience that you might find helpful and questions you could ask yourself. If you’ve already taken the Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) class (there are over 300,000 of those) here are some questions I might ask you.
Last I would ask: Are you working with groups with more than 50 people involved and trying to deliver out the door the software that you’re working on. If it’s more than 50 you might want to consider looking at Scaled Agile Academy’s Certified Scaled Agilist class. Although it’s not offered by the Scrum Alliance, you’ll find it on the Scrum Alliance site as extended education (EE). Now the plus of that is that it still qualifies you for the 16 scrum Education Units (SEUs) just as the Product Owner (CSPO) class would as well.